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Project Sponsorhips
Project Sponsorships allow you to get involved in the ongoing work in the village. The village is a very busy place and we hope that you would like to lend a hand.
There is a great need for a home for orphaned and vulnerable children in the village. There are currently 15 children ages 2 to 13 that have been orphaned or abandoned. These children were living in a rental home with 4 caregivers, but they were recently evicted by the owner of the property. The owner needed the home for themselves. Construction of an orphanage would provide a stable and permanent home for these children. The budget for construction and furnishing Martha's Children's Home is $40,000.
School Construction
God's Mercy Kindergarten and Primary School building is in need of another building. The building would have 5 classrooms and room for a library. The budget for this project is $20,000.
Water Delivery
Carrying heavy jerry cans of water is hard work. Many of the elderly and disabled members of the village would go without water for long periods of time because it was so difficult for them to carry it. We have started a water delivery program. It gives a few of the young men in the village a job and gets water to people who need it desperately. If you would like to sponsor this program a monthly donation of $20 would be appreciated.
Community Garden
The community garden was started in 2012 to give people in the village an opportunity to raise their own food. Some of the villagers do not have enough property to grow a garden. The excess produce is sold at market to give the workers income. We would like to purchase tools, seeds and fertilizer to help the garden production. Sponsorship of this project is $10 per month.
Medical Transport
HIV/AIDs is a health issue in the village. We are currently transporting patients to a clinic in Kampala for treatment each month. If you would like to cover the cost of transport for these individuals a sponsorship of $15 per month would pay for these expenses.
Household Items
A fund has been set up for the purchase of household items such as mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets and other household needs. On occasion these items need to be replaced and the expense is too much for the families of the village. Your sponsorship of $20 per month would enable us to meet these needs as they arise.
Orphanage Construction

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